Well, it looks like that @#%*?/ intruder decided to make itself at home in Harv's liver. We don't like that, but we're very well aware that Harv's a high achiever and he's gonna defy the odds!
Dr. Pietro said that the first order of business is to do chemo and kill the cancer in the liver. And, that really surgery is not needed. We have to chemo the cancer in the liver -- which will also attack the cancer in the colon. The cancer in the liver is too pervasive to remove. You need to have at least 1/4 of the liver left and there is cancer in enough parts of the liver that there isn't a section that would leave 1/4.
So, we've talked to Seattle Cancer Care Alliance and have an appointment scheduled for Jan. 3rd...and if we're lucky, someone will cancel and we can go earlier. Still waiting to hear when we can get into an appointment in Bellingham. Praying for wisdom to choose the easiest, and most effective care to kick this cancer in the butt!
Sarah, Hannah and Celeste are understandably upset, but we're all working to stay positive. And, if we aren't able to get any appointments before January, then we'll just use this time to do fun stuff. (I'm not actually very much fun at any time, but I'm gonna try to participate and pretend I'm a whole lot of fun.) ☺
We love you all. We are so amazed at the amount of love that we have already received. What an amazing blessing!
Kickin' butt and takin' names over here!
chc and fam.
********** BREAKING NEWS!!! ************
Celeste just called to say she gave her two weeks notice and Mario will be driving her up here after she quits. We are thrilled to have her come home. It'll just be great in general and it will be so great to have her here to help with everything. Yippee skippee! ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥
Lots of thoughts and prayers for you all from your family in Delta. S's mom has got the prayer group in Winnipeg on it as well, so there's no chance he won't hear us. Love to H, C, S, H, and C. R
Woo hoo!! <3
That is great news. Now that is just plain, pure LOVE.
Carrie - I have never read a blog before, or really understood what they were. Thank you for doing this. How quickly the true meaning of Christmas has come into focus: Emmanuel, God with us.
Those letters of PEACE that you hold in your Christmas photo? Amen. We send you our love and hold you in our prayers.
Harvey, I know you are going to beat this. Your wife is right when she says you excel at most everything! You are an exceptional person and you will be OK, I just know it. When my aunt was diagnosed with breast cancer we came up with this saying and it is posted on HER blog: "LIVESTRONG: I am strong. I am loved. I am healthy. WE WILL WIN!" Know that you have many people who love and care about you. I'm so glad you have your family to support you and that is wonderful that your eldest daughter is coming home as well. Much love and positive energy, Jonnie
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