Thursday, August 27, 2015

Hospice nurse came today... Hooked Harv up to IV fluids and showed me how to unhook him when the drip is finished. We discussed pain management and she will get more pain meds to have on hand. In the meantime, he's taking what he has and I believe he is currently sleeping.

The trick for me is to allow him to sleep without checking on him all the time. Need to just let him be sometimes.

Another nurse will come tomorrow and hook him up with another bag of fluids. We're hoping that that will relieve some of his discomfort and he'll begin to feel a bit more like himself. The next few days will be trying to figure out the perfect balance for pain meds so that he feels good. We are hoping that we can figure it out and that things will balance out by the time of Celeste's wedding.

For those of you who have asked if you can help, I'll make a list of things that come to mind... If something "fits" you, maybe you could help out that way.  

Please pray that Harvey feels some relief... that we can find a good pain med balance for him and that he will be strong enough to walk Celeste down the aisle.

Love you people.

1 comment:

Betsy True said...

Praying for relief and strength for all of you, but especially Harvey!