Sunday, April 12, 2015


Here's something I know. It is a wonderful and powerful thing to have a church family.  I've seen singles turn into marrieds. I've seen those marrieds have children. I've seen those children grow up. I've seen wise and wonderful people get older. Families have grown. We've shared sadnesses and joys. We've gotten frustrated with each other. We've laughed together.... shared meals together...and a glass or two of wine sometimes. 

I don't really understand or totally agree with everything in the Bible or everything that my church and my denomination believes....

But this I know: When I go to church, I feel embraced way down deep in my soul. I love looking at the congregation from where I sit and seeing families in "their" spots. I love seeing children grow up. I love being moved by the music and trying to absorb the message that is preached.  I love the awkward "passing of the peace" and the smiles and hugs that go with that. I love sharing my life with people who also struggle --- either with the same things I do or with different things. I love that my children have formed what I hope are life-long friendships. I love that they have a safe place to explore their faith.

Doubts will continue for me, I'm sure. But there is something extremely mysterious and awesome about a church family... It brings something inexplicably SOLID to life in the midst of many questions.

And, P.S. -- I feel this way about the church where I grew up, too. Family then. Family now. Family forever. Amen. And amen!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Love this, Carrie!! <3 You and your family are cherished deeply!