Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Today was the third day of chemo for Harv... (bring-it-home pump for days 1-3). Day one was pretty normal. Day 2 was if-y. Day 3 has been less fun. We broke out the anti-nausea meds today...  He's resting now and I hope that tomorrow feels better. 

He's been trying to eat, but nothing sounds good. At the suggestion of my sister (who is very experienced in chemo stuff), I made him some mashed potatoes yesterday... He had a little bit then and then a little more today. I made him a scrambled egg and toast late this afternoon. 

Anyway... I don't like it when he feels bad. How do I solve that? If I talk too much about what I can do to solve his nausea, then it makes him nauseous... If I don't check, then how can I make things better?

Please pray that tonight he gets a good night's sleep and that tomorrow he feels more like himself.

Have I ever told you that cancer sucks?

If not, cancer sucks.

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Went to Seattle today.... Harv's CEA is pretty close to the same... 2.5 (3 weeks ago it was 2.4 -- Dr. Lin calls those numbers the same.).

To be careful, Harv is gonna get a few rounds (2 or 3, I think) of chemo and then we'll have a CT scan in May. Which, hopefully, will be followed by maintenance chemo (pill form) for as long as we can do that.  Chemo will be administered in Bellingham. (YAY!)

It was a fairly uneventful trip for us -- which is always nice.

And, that is the end of my post for today. :-)

Have a happy week, people.

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

TWO DANG STINKIN' FOUR! (woooo deee woooooo woooo wooo!)

So... we went to the doctor today. 

A week ago, Harv's CEA count -- which is only part of the picture of the cancer in his body -- was 2.4!!! Two point four! Remember, now, that "normal" is 0-5. (insert big smiley face right here)...

When we got the pathology report we were told that the tumor they removed had no margin -- which means that it's very possible that the "roots" of the tumor are still hangin' out in the liver. 

But still! 2.4 is pretty doggone good.

It doesn't mean we get to relax. It doesn't mean we don't have anymore trips to Seattle. But it does mean that the situation is not dire. It means that we continue to live in hope for a lot more years with the man that we know and love. It means that we continue to fight and continue to hope.

Dr. Lin ordered more blood work today and Harv will have more again in two weeks. Meanwhile, Dr. Lin will talk to Dr. Park and a team of doctors at UW and develop a "next steps" plan. Next steps might include radiation. Next steps will most likely include chemo -- probably a pump situation again. And, it's possible that after those steps or some combination of those steps in the order that seems best, that Harv will end up on some maintenance chemo.

I continue to be amazed at the prognosis we were given from other doctors who didn't seem to share the hope and possibility that we feel with Dr. Lin. We are aware that Harvey has cancer. We are aware that a "stage 4" diagnosis isn't really very positive... But! We also know that hope changes things. We know that often times there are miracles in life. And, we know that we've had two pretty doggone good years for a family who began this journey in fear and trembling. And, we are expecting more time with more good years..and we will continue to live and enjoy the life we've been given. ('cept I might be grumpy every now and then when Harvey doesn't put his shoes in the closet.)

Thank you for doing life with us. You have been a wonderful support to us all. 

We love you.

Monday, March 3, 2014

Tomorrow we go for a visit with Dr. Lin and will find out the results of the blood work he had done last week. Hoping for a simple and effective method to kick any remaining cancer cells way the hell out of Harv's body... Goin' Fightin' Winnin'!

Love you people!