Sunday, August 23, 2009

Just a little at a time....

Some of you may know that in slightly more than 9 weeks, I'm gonna walk in the Breast Cancer 3-Day.
It's a big walk... 60 miles in 3 days. Lots of miles each of those days.

So, to get ready, I've been trying to follow the training plan as much as possible. It doesn't always work exactly like the plan, but I try to do what I can.

Yesterday, I thought I was supposed to do a 12 mile walk. So, I took the dog for the first 4 miles and then Harv and the girls met me at Starbucks, had a cup of coffee, and took the dog back home. I, on the other hand, continued to walk -- for eight more miles (Harv joined me for the last 2 1/2 miles).

I was sore. And tired. And, it turns out, when I looked on the training schedule, it was supposed to have been a 14 mile day. I was pretty proud of walking 12 miles and a little disappointed that I didn't follow the plan. I got over it. And, tried to pump myself up for a ten mile walk today.

This morning I didn't really want to walk. I was still sore from yesterday and I didn't want to have to wake up early. My nice neighbor walked with me for the first five miles. Then I came home, showered, changed my clothes and walked to and from church (the last five miles).

All along the way, I really didn't want to be walking. I enjoyed time with my neighbor and on the way to and from church I listened to good music, but I would have really enjoyed staying at home for my first cup of coffee and riding to and from church.

However!! On the way home, (my last 2 1/2 miles) I had a revelation...

There is a training plan to get my body and my mind ready. For each mile I don't want to walk, but do anyway, I gain a little more confidence... a little more, "I can do THIS." Because I walked 12 miles yesterday and 10 more miles today, it gives me the hope that I can walk the 15 miles that's comin' up at the end of this week.

And, it occurred to me that training for the 3-Day is a lot like life. Every time we do something --- even when we don't think we have it in us --- we get more and more prepared for the things that are ahead.

So! For those of you who may be walking the 3-Day, walk on!! It's gettin' you ready in lots of ways.

And, for those of you facing what seems to be an insurmountable task, do it a little at a time and each step will prepare you for what's ahead.


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